Last week for the web, we wrote about Raleigh’s affordable housing crisis as compared to other, admittedly much larger, U.S. cities and a recent report that found that Raleigh’s affordable housing crisis isn’t as bad as those cities’ … yet. Readers were appalled.

“Because the population growth is driven by upper middle class and younger people working jobs and coming from more expensive markets where a ‘luxury’ apartment or $400k house is achievable,” writes Facebook commenter Alex Howard by way of explanation. “The crisis is for the lower middle and under who already live here and are being driven out by increasing rents. It’s a minority of the population but undergird the service industry and physical labor that prop up everything else. Single 27 year old programmers can afford it. Single moms waiting tables and cleaning houses can’t.”

“To compare Raleigh with those cities is absurd,” writes Facebook commenter Renee Deininger Addison. “Just because ‘it’s worse in LA’ doesn’t mean it’s OK in Raleigh. The doubling of the homeless population in two years is unacceptable. But, hey, at least it isn’t Miami doesn’t mean shit to the unhoused here.”

“Little comfort for those in Raleigh who can’t find affordable housing,” writes commenter Mildred Robertson.

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We also wrote about new rules governing private bars in North Carolina—now they’re just regular bars (no more member fees) and you can bring your kids to them during some daytime hours. Readers were, again, appalled.

“Don’t we go to bars to get away from children,” writes Facebook commenter BJ Olsen. “If I wanted to hear your screaming child I would go to Walmart.”

“lmao @ bringing your kids to surf club, i imagine theyd prefer you not do that,” writes commenter Matthew Wood.

“I can already hear the tantrums,” writes commenter Bruce Wilcox.

Commenter Chris John Anthony, on the other hand, is a fan of the Eurocentric model: “Many European pubs are places that families go to. I do like the idea though that no one under 21 allowed after a certain time of the night.”

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