I read with interest the story on the so-called “crisis” at the Durham Crisis Response Center (July 19). I would posit that the real story is not in staff turnover and survivor services now. It’s in the amount of staff turnover and board turnover at DCRC over the past several years, and the underlying reasons for that turnover.

The question that begs an answer is not how can this happen (the firing of the co-executive directors and new direction of the agency), but rather, why didn’t this happen years ago? As a lapsed donor and volunteer to the DCRC, I applaud the stewardship of DCRC’s board of directors for sticking this decision out. I urge others in the Durham community to invest their time and dollars in this organization under its new leadership and direction. The board’s decision to move the agency in a new direction is a new day for women and families in crisis in Durham.

Mike Crum
