
An apology from Lynne Worth of York Properties, which manages Cameron Village, about yesterday’s kissing incident:

Cameron Village is a family friendly shopping center that welcomes the entire community. We sincerely regret Wednesday’s events and have attempted to contact Ms. Breedlove and invite her to meet with us. We have arranged a meeting for 3:00 pm tomorrow (Saturday).

The officers’ actions do not reflect the views of Cameron Village and York Properties. The officer involved was immediately suspended. The supervising officer and all security officers will receive additional sensitivity training.

Cameron Village is committed to maintaining an open and welcoming environment for everyone.

Worth is vice president of retail leasing.

As I read this, CV’s good with public displays of affection, straight or gay.

This is excellent news as I can now continue to frequent Cantina 18, Great Outdoor Provision, etcetera, etcetera.

I’m thinking Ms. Breedlove and her partner may be in line for some CV gift certificates —