Radha Ravi Varma

Website: http://radharavivarma.com/

Occupation: Software Developer, small real estate investor and broker

Phone Number:919-371-0216

Email Address:electravi4carycouncil@gmail.com

Years Lived in Cary: 4 years and 2 months

1) Please identify the three most pressing issues the town faces and how you will address them.

With your support, I propose to

• completely eliminate home invasions and break-ins

• attain the highest safety where we live, work, play and our children study

• protect surging property values by ending aggressive overdevelopment in West Cary

• completely ban new home developments in West Cary until caps are removed in all schools

• ban plastic bags and other non-recyclable plastic items and adopt water free, fertilizer free organic lawns in Cary (around our homes, schools, offices, greenways, parks, and roadsides) to conserve water resources and preserve & protect our environment

• make four lane roads at all schools because West Cary has 3 high schools and a largest middle school within a 5-mile radius. The school transportation creates excessive noise and traffic jams around our homes which may degrade the quality of our lives, property values, and environment

• make Cary again to No. 1 place to live and work- according to Money magazine, Cary was No. 1 place to live and work in 2004 but the same magazine dropped our city to No. 37 in 2016

• reduce the highway 540 toll and collect a fair fee on the entire 540 ring road

2) Earlier this year, the town council unanimously passed the Cary Community Plan, which is designed (among other things) to create denser housing and bring more people downtown. Already there’s been at least one case, on Urban Drive, where residents protested new townhomes. If elected, how would you go about addressing conflicts related to urbanization and growth in what has historically been a suburban community?

Cary is bedroom community, I believe people work in another city and prefer a quiet place like Cary to live and raise their children, so we are extremely responsible to keep our city safe and clean. In addition, we should converse, preserve and protect water resources and environment. Most of the schools are capped and the road infrastructures are not enough to bring more people into our city because it influences our city’s future and quality of our lives. So I would not support the urbanization until we have enough infrastructures and permission from our citizens.

3) As the town grows, affordable housing will become more and more of an issue. How do you believe the town should address affordability?

Well I am living in the west part of the Cary. I think we do not have enough land to accommodate the affordable housing in West Cary.

4) What in your public or professional career shows your ability to be an effective member of the town council? If you’ve identified specific issues above, what in your record has prepared you to deal with them?

I strongly believe every problem has many solutions. My education and experience would help me to choose the right solution which will be accepted by all and brings more benefits to our city.

5) Please give an example of an action by the town council in the past year that should have been handled differently. Also, what was the town’s biggest accomplishment during that period?

I am a first time runner.

6) How do you identify yourself to others in terms of your political philosophy? For example, do you tell people you’re a conservative, a moderate, a progressive, a libertarian?

I am a conservative.

7) If there are other issues you want to discuss, please do so here.

Please refer to question 1.