Last week, Jasmine Gallup wrote about the Raleigh City Council’s decision to limit the operating hours of outdoor food vendors, mandating that, instead of at three a.m., they’ll have to close at one fifteen a.m. going forward. While the council majority took the vote to benefit downtown residents who have long complained about noise, vandalism, and other mischief, this was not, as far as we can tell, a popular decision. Certainly, our readers on Facebook had thoughts. 

“First the Raleigh city council was against food trucks (years ago) and now this,” wrote commenter Chris Jay. “What is their problem with people earning a living selling food who aren’t in a brick & mortar? I think it’s obvious.”

“I am just about sick to damn death of people moving to live in an area with a robust nightlife and then doing everything they can to shut that nightlife down,” wrote commenter Phillip Odom. “If you want it to be quiet, you move to the suburbs.”

 “Defeats the whole purpose of late night food options without driving,” wrote commenter Jason Williams. “Everyone should walk to downtown city council members homes after bars close and protest for about two weeks. Melton is the only one who voted against it.”

“Absolutely idiotic,” wrote commenter JR Harvey. “The city council seems to want to steer Raleigh towards a white-washed image of [what] they consider a good city.”

“What is wrong with Raleigh City Council?” wrote commenter Tony Waldron. “They must love to pull the rug out from hard working entrepreneurs.

“Come to Durham folks. I need a late night snack.”

“Food carts are essential when you leave a bar,” wrote commenter Rick Hadsall

We’ll leave the last word to commenter Victor Garcia: “It was very dumb to approve that.” 

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