Last week for the web, Sarah Edwards wrote about employees at a Raleigh Starbucks filing for a union election. The store is one of 87 stores in 25 states to file a petition to join Workers United. Our readers had some dueling takes on their efforts.

“Not that CEO Kevin Johnson cares, but I’ve sent him my notice that this Starbucks devotee won’t be buying their coffee again unless/until unionization is a fair option for all of its workers,” wrote reader Susan Pochapsky in an email. “It’s going to be rough, but no rougher than it would be if they went out of business. Starbucks isn’t a partnership, it’s a benevolent dictatorship—which means that the benevolence can melt away at a whim.”

“Guess we don’t go to Starbucks anymore! Unions suck and are typical of left wing radical socialism,” emailed reader Robin Dean. “So tell everyone you know to dump Starbucks forever!!

“Gonna cash in my account today and dump the App on my phone. It was a good run, but not anymore.

“Perhaps the Freedom Truckers in America and Canada can blockade all starbucks and not allow any customers in or out! Peacefully, of course, as only radical left wing terrorist like BLM and Antifa use violence and crime to make their point.”

The conversation continued over on Facebook:

“YES YES YES YES!!!” wrote commenter Katherine Johnson. “If these people need any help, just let me know! UA 421 Plumbers and Pipefitters union member here and we love this!!! The south needs workers rights and our senators sure aren’t giving it to us.”

“So many past efforts, I hope it wins out,” wrote commenter Allen Kennedy.

Commenter Pat Trick has the spiciest take of them all:

“Real coffee drinkers don’t drink that sugary crap from that racist Organization. FU Starbucks.”

We’ll be following this story closely.

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