Chris Titchner sports a mighty goatee, a busted leather jacket and what may or may not be a Wolfpack hoodie as he counts change for a cup of coffee on the back cover of his fourth full-length album, Moving Day. These otherwise inconsequential minutiae are a fitting primer for Titchner’s music and as lucid an explanation as any for what makes his four-minute, folk-spun rock songs so attractive. Titchner is a normal guy, and he seems to come–like his songs–without pretense or effect, but with affection, sincerity and empathy. Titchner understands his troubles and articulates them with empirical expertise. Some of the arrangements are a bit ramshackle (“Bad, Bad Day”), but the highlights (trumpets in transition on the six-minute “Dead End Job” and the piano dream of “Here’s to Another Year”) more than make up for the missteps. He occasionally tones it down, seeming too damn nice to admit these songs are as good as they are by singing out. But with lines like “I think that we’ll both sleep much better if you stay,” why would he ever want to keep quiet?