Chapel Hill mayoral hopeful Kevin Wolff is calling on competitor Matt Czajkowski to drop out of the race in a half-page ad in today’s Chapel Hill News. Czajkowski isn’t budging, but declined to fire back.

The 5A advertisement is a letter addressed to voters and asks them to, “keep Matt where he’s at.” Czajkowski, the lone moderate voice on the council, still has two years left in his term.

Czajkowski did not want to respond to specific accusations.

“I’ve been saying from the very beginning of this campaign that as candidates, I at least believe that we have an obligation to focus on the challenges that we as Chapel Hill are facing,” he said. “I’m determined to make this an issue based campaign.”

The entire text of the ad can be found here at Wolff’s Web site, which was unveiled as part of the advertisement. Wolff was coy when asked about creating a Web site by the Indy for a story that hit stands today.

Wolff argues that Czajkowski has been ineffective in building allies and that citizens should elect him if they want to have two moderate voices working together.

The going rate for a half-page black-and-white political ad in The Chapel Hill News is $523.53