It is Wednesday, April 27. Here are some things to know on this #blessed day.

1. Trump, Clinton clean up in the Northeast. On the Democratic side, Clinton won four of five states—Sanders got Rhode Island—and further extended her delegate lead.

Donald Trump ran the table on the Republican side, winning all five states up for grabs—Delaware, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maryland, and Pennsylvania—and picking up a shit-ton of delegates.

The smart people agree that the last chance to possibly stop Trump from getting the delegates he needs to secure the nomination is for Cruz to win Indiana next week.

Cruz is already haunting the state, delivering creepy and bad speeches like this one, where he calls a basketball hoop a “basketball ring”:

What is worse, calling a basketball hoop a “basketball ring,” in Indiana, or the lame-ass point Cruz was making about how the “ring” is the same height in New York as it is Indiana? What the fuck does that even mean?

2. Buck Newton wants to “Keep. Our. State. Straight.” Redneck caricature Buck Newton, whose name is Buck Newton, is running for attorney general. Yesterday, he made a speech where he said a bunch of stuff about liberals and the Charlotte City Council and little girls getting raped in bathrooms, and then at the very end he literally said, “Keep. Our. State. Straight” and mic-dropped. Watch this thing:

Breathtaking stuff. Meanwhile, Sen. Tom Apodaca says he wants to put HB 2 on the ballot in November. From WLOS in Asheville:

“If it were up to me, I’d just put it out to a vote of the people. Let them decide what they want to do,” Apodaca said exclusively to News 13. “Let’s put it on the ballot and get it over with once and for all. If the majority wants this, fine. If they don’t, fine.”

He said the vote would be similar to the marriage bill in that it would be an amendment to North Carolina’s constitution.

Worth noting here that Apodaca, a seven-term state senator, is not seeking re-election.

3. Durham has a new police chief. Cerelyn Davis will take the reins June 6. More info on Davis here.

4. Man charged with peeing on a plane to North Carolina. This is just a fun story about a man. A man who “pulled down his pants, arched his back and urinated on the floor” of an American Airlines flight from San Francisco to Charlotte. More details from WRAL:

A flight attendant was notified and sent him to the bathroom.

The flight attendant used club soda to clean the mess. Gardner returned to his seat about 15 minutes later.

The Ludlow, Kentucky, man faces a criminal complaint of destruction of aircraft. He’s to appear in federal court Thursday. It was not known if he has an attorney.

5. ACLU, NAACP, other groups to appeal N.C. voter ID law. On Monday, a federal appeals court judge ruled that N.C.’s controversial voter ID law could stand. From the Charlotte Observer:

Judge Thomas Schroeder’s opinion—one of the first to come down since the U.S. Supreme Court invalidated a key provision of the Voting Rights Act—is being scrutinized by many as a test of what obligations states have to make sure their citizens have access to the ballot box.

Schroeder’s ruling, which was released to the public Monday evening, upheld sweeping voting changes – requiring North Carolina voters to have one of six forms of photo identification, curbing the number of days for early voting, prohibiting voters from registering and casting a ballot the same day, and banning out-of-precinct voting.

North Carolina Republicans, who shepherded the changes through the 2013 legislative session, describe the cutbacks, new prohibitions and ID provision as common sense measures designed to prevent voter fraud. There are few documented cases of voter fraud.

And on the appeal, from Reuters:

Lawyers for groups including churches, the North Carolina chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the American Civil Liberties Union on Tuesday filed a notice of appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit. They said they were confident they would prevail.

“If this decision remained in effect, the impact on the November election could be devastating,” said Penda Hair of the Advancement Project civil rights organization, a lawyer for the plaintiffs.

The U.S. Justice Department, which also challenged the North Carolina law, said it was evaluating its options for moving forward.

“We’re disappointed in the ruling,” the department said in a statement.

6. D’Angelo. He sat at a piano and played Prince’s “Sometimes It Snows in April” on Fallon last night. Watch:

Enjoy your Wednesday.