Plans to add North Carolina’s capital city to the national day of protest of California’s Proposition 8 are still underway.

Organizer Will Elliott said he’s trying to find a downtown location and secure the proper permits. One thing we know so far: The state capitol is out because construction begins there this weekend.

Meanwhile, confirmed speakers include:

  • Jim Neal, former NC candidate for U.S. Senate
  • Jimmy Creech, a pastor who lost his position in the church after performing a civil union ceremony in Chapel Hill
  • Sophia Bush, star of CW’s “One Tree Hill”

Unfortunately, the date coincides with the already scheduled Equality North Carolina Conference, which could hurt attendance. “We wish we could be at two places at once,” Elliott said on the event’s Facebook page, “but feel that taking part in this national day of protest is also important.”

Updates to come. Meanwhile, you can get in touch with Elliott at NCAgainstH8 [at] gmail [dot] com.