Watch this video from October, 2009. It’s Bill Randall, a candidate in today’s Republican primary for Congress in the 13th District, campaigning with Debra Goldman, at the time a candidate for the Wake school board from District 9 in Cary.

Randall does the talking, Goldman the nodding, but the subject is Goldman’s campaign for “community schools.” And Randall couldn’t be clearer: You who have invested in Cary, he says, have a right to your own schools, and the kids who are bused here from high-poverty areas of Raleigh and elsewhere have no right to be in them.

“Are we insensitive to the fact that there are blighted communities elsewhere?” Randall asks. “No,” he answers, “we are not insensitive.”

But, Randall declares, those blighted communities and the kids who live in them are NOT Cary’s problem. They are somebody else’s problem — they’re a problem for “those” who are unfortunate enough to live in blighted communities, he says — because:

” … where the citizens and parents have invested their lives and their livelihoods in getting those communities (he means Cary and other upscale places) to where they are — and continue to invest it them, is it wrong for them to want to sent their children to [schools in] those communities where they sacrificed to be residents? I say no, it is not wrong.”

“We are relieving those of responsibility whose responsibility it should be,” Randall says as Goldman nods in approval, “when we overstep them and say it’s the responsibility of other communities to make sure that happens” — “that” being better schools in the blighted neighborhoods.

I stumbled on this piece the other day — it’s about 03:00 — while I was looking for something else. It’s very instructive about Goldman’s thinking and the rest of the new school board majority as they vote today to change Wake’s assignment policy and get rid of diversity — the mixing of rich and poor kids in “our” schools and “their” schools, that is.

It’s Republicanism 101, really: If we just stop helping the underprivileged, they’d figure out for themselves how not to be underprivileged. I think I have that right.