Bernie Reeves
  • Bernie Reeves

Good news this holiday weekend for Bernie Reeves, ex-Spectator publisher (not that there’s anything wrong with that), in the runoff for the GOP nomination in the 13th Congressional District. The incumbent is Democrat Brad Miller.

Reeves has been blistering his runoff opponent, Bill Randall, over the Randall campaign’s obvious plagiarism (if this is news to you, see our blog post yesterday). Now the two candidates who also-ran in the first primary, Dan Huffman and Frank Hurley, have endorsed Reeves.

From Reeves:

“I am grateful to both Dan Huffman and Frank Hurley,” Reeves said. “Dan and Frank both ran fine campaigns, spoke out forcefully on the issues and conducted themselves as gentlemen. Republicans can be proud of their campaigns. I thank them for their support. They have helped us take a step closer to winning the runoff and accomplishing our ultimate goal — to bring Brad Miller home.”

By the way, so glad to see that Reeves posted the Indy‘s kind words about him on his website: We endorsed him over his three rivals in the first primary thusly:

“Yes, there’s a pattern developing here. As in the other two congressional districts in the Triangle, the Republican candidates in District 13 (incumbent: Democrat Brad Miller) are tightly bunched as to which is the most right-wing right-winger. Truthfully, it’s very hard to tell. Which is why we’re recommending—and it’s hard to believe we’re doing it—a vote for our own homegrown right-winger, Raleigh publisher Bernie Reeves.”

Reeves’ press release, with Huffman’s statement and Hurley’s, is below the fold.

It’s all here in this press release from the Reeves campaign:

(WAKE FOREST, NC) May 27th, 2010 — In an effort to achieve their common goal of defeating Brad Miller in the general election in November, Dan Huffman and Frank Hurley have been working in cooperation to evaluate the two candidates vying for the GOP nomination for the 13th District Congressional seat. After meeting with each of the two candidates participating in the runoff election, both Huffman and Hurley have endorsed Bernie Reeves.
Below is the text of Huffman’s statement regarding the endorsement:

“When I first entered this race, I had three main objectives — replace, reform, and repeal. The goal of our campaign was to first replace Brad Miller, then reform the way Congress works, and finally repeal the bad legislation, tax increases, and unnecessary regulations that have become an undue burden on the American people and a threat to the long-term viability of our nation.

“Consistent with these objectives, we ran my campaign based on five priorities for restoring common sense to government: unshackling American enterprise, protecting our national sovereignty, preserving the Constitution, simplifying government, and respecting human life. During the brief campaign, we encountered many North Carolinians who shared those same ideals. As a small business owner, I have lived with the stark realities of bad economic policy and an overreaching federal government every day. With you, I have seen the future of this nation put in jeopardy with national debt as far as the eye can see. Together we have witnessed unprecedented deficit spending, so that our children and grandchildren will now have to pay for it.

“Throughout this campaign my message has been simple and consistent; and in response to my emphasis on common sense government came an outpouring of grassroots support throughout the district. Many people from all across the Republican spectrum joined our team, along with Independents and even some Democrats. And with their votes, we almost made it to the runoff, coming just a few hundred votes short. The campaign could not have gone as far as it did without the hard work and dedication of our volunteers and supporters. They are truly the strength that will fuel change in the 13th District this year.

“I did not enter this race lightly, and my supporters cast their votes for me because they believed that I would best be able to beat Brad Miller, to represent their values, and to make the necessary changes in Washington. After the first vote, it is no longer possible for me to accomplish my objectives. But we now face a runoff between the two remaining candidates; and because of the dedication shown by my supporters, I believe that I owe them a recommendation on what to do next.

“Over the past three weeks, I have worked closely with Frank Hurley. We have met with both remaining candidates, and have given each of them careful consideration. As I have said, my first objective and main goal in this race was to replace Brad Miller in the general election this November; and I believe that of the two remaining candidates, Bernie Reeves is best able to accomplish that goal. With the additional backing of grassroots supporters like those who supported my campaign, Bernie has the ability to hand Brad Miller a stinging defeat and send the message to Washington that the American people have soundly rebuked the policies of Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat-controlled congress.”

Issued concurrently with Huffman’s statement, below is the text of Frank Hurley’s statement regarding the endorsement:

“Not too long ago, I would have expected that my campaign would focus on national defense issues, my area of career expertise. As examples, it seems clear that (1) a new generation of military equipment should be prepared for our Armed Forces, (2) the outrageous groundrules that have been imposed by the present Administration on our soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq should be lifted, and (3) the United States Army Research Office (right here in Research Triangle Park, and staffed by many Congressional District 13 residents) should be promoted in the Defense Department scheme of things. These matters are still important, and I remain confident that the candidate that I am endorsing will make them a priority.

“Rather than focus primarily on issues of national defense, my campaign has consistently emphasized the issue of illegal immigration—and the amnesty that the Pelosi-Reid Congress surely aim to pass—with the automatic support of party-line United States Representatives like Brad Miller. But what if our national borders are not enforced? Then, an economy that should be providing jobs for our own citizens is ruined, security against terrorist attacks is discarded, and US cultural identity itself is lost. In short, without border security, there is little left to defend!

“I suggest that all four candidates who participated in the May 4th primary were strong, and offered much to Republican voters in the 13th District. But now that the field has been narrowed to two, I agree with Dan that he and I owe a recommendation to our supporters.

“My desire is that the candidate with the deepest knowledge of and commitment to the issues and positions I have stressed in my campaign be sent forward to face Brad Miller in the general election. While both remaining candidates have strengths, I believe that Bernie Reeves is the stronger of the two, and has the best chance to defeat Brad Miller in November. I urge each of my supporters, and all Republicans in the district to give him your vote.”

Both Huffman and Hurley were eliminated from the tightly contested race after the primary on May 4th. Fewer than 1,000 votes separated the top three candidates, with Huffman earning 26.98% of the vote, and Hurley earning 8.61%.