Last March, the world said goodbye to Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer’s big, bawdy comedy series about being broke, horny, stoned, and full of big ideas in New York City. It was an indelible show about female friendship that made you feel like you were living inside the middle of a kinda sweet, kinda sweaty secret handshake and I miss it very much—RIP, Broad City!

Fear not: the slapstick stars are still working the Horny Grind, and today Glazer announced that she will embark on “Horny 4 Tha Polls,” a nine-city comedy tour. On March 6, she’ll make her second stop of the tour at DPAC

On January 3, Glazer premiered her debut comedy special, The Planet is Burningon Amazon Prime (admittedly an ironic platform for a special of that name). True to form, though, Glazer—a self-described “optimistic nihilist”—sticks to her message with a special that explores “being a successful stoner adult, Nazis, Diva Cups, and more” in the special. 

Ahead of the 2020 election, this tour has a bonus: after each set, Glazer plans to stay an extra day in each city of the tour with her organization Generator Collective and try to get people to the polls by throwing a ‘Genny Social’ dance party. The idea: people register to vote, hear from Democratic candidates, and then dance. Glazer co-founded Generator Social in 2018 with the intention of getting people to “talk and learn more about politics and government ‘without feeling dumb.’” 

Could North Carolina use more horniness for the polls? Yes, absolutely. Tickets for the show go on sale Friday, January 24 at 10 a.m. 

Contact deputy arts and culture editor Sarah Edwards at

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