A Jihad for Love
Griffith Film Theater, Duke campusI’d like to think that as Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last fall was famously declaring his country absent of homosexuals, Parvez Sharma was somewhere in Iran, filming. A Jihad for Love, Sharma’s debut, chronicles the lives of 13 devout Muslims struggling with their religion’s profound hostility toward same-sex love. Sharma, who himself is a gay Muslim, spent six years traveling across the globe to capture the quiet stories within Islamic culture in order to pierce the veil where most of his colleagues are content to further the increasingly loud debate over Islam’s soul. Jihad plays tonight at 7 p.m. as part of the Duke Screen Society’s continuing series of East Asian cinema. Admission is free. A panel discussion with members of the Duke faculty follows the film. For more information, visit fvd.aas.duke.edu/screensociety. Vernal Coleman