The Love For All poster campaign will be unveiled at a fundraiser Saturday, March 31, 10 p.m., at Dos Perros. The $10 cover, along with all net proceeds from sales of drinks plus all gratuities, will benefit Equality NC.

The Love For All project was created to offer a visual case against Amendment 1 and to serve as a call to action.

Several members of the CLACK photo collective made portraits and collected stories of North Carolinians who would be harmed by this amendment, which would codify in the state constitution a ban on not only same-sex marriage but also domestic partnerships within straight and gay couples. Partners who, with their children, are covered under their loved one’s insuranceseveral local governments offer coverage to workers in domestic partner relationshipscould lose it.

We felt compelled to produce images that could dispel the stereotypes about those who would be impacted by this amendment. We already knew the amendment would change our state in profound ways by altering the lives of many people we know. But we also wondered about the people we don’t know.

We want you to meet them and their kids; to see their beautiful, hopeful faces; to listen to their words about love. They are our neighbors, our co-workers, our kids’ friends’ parents. How can we deny them the rights we have? How can we not protect them?

We are grateful to the people who were brave enough to be a part of this project. Look at their faces, try to understand their hearts, and don’t turn your back on them.

Beyond hoping to change some minds, we also want to encourage people to vote. This is important for us, for the future of this state, for our kids. Amendment 1 will be decided May 8. Vote against it. Do it. Lissa Gotwals

Lissa Gotwals is a former staff photographer with the Independent Weekly.